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Caring for your Oil Candle

Includes information on proper wick adjustment, lighting your oil candle, and setting up your oil candle for the first time.

Oil Candle Care:

  1. Carefully fill lamp 3/4 full with pure liquid paraffin lamp fuel. Northern Lights® Pure Liquid Paraffin Lamp Fuel is recommended. Poor quality lamp fuels and impure liquid paraffin may cause unwanted smoke and/or odor.

  2. Adjust the glass fiber wicking material so that the tip is slightly above the edge of the top of the glass wickholder tube. (The end of the glass wickholder with the extrusion is the top.) Place the wickholder assembly (both glass tube and fiberglass wicking material) into the slot in the oil lamp. Since the wicking material is made from glass fibers that do not burn, the wick should last for many years without adjustment or replacement.

  3. Wait 1 minute for the glass fiber wicking material to saturate with lamp oil. Light the wick. The flame should start off very small. Allow several minutes for the flame to reach normal size (approximately 1/2 inch high). If flame reaches 1 inch or more in height the flame may smoke.

  4. To adjust flame height, blow out flame. Allow wicking material and wickholder to cool. Remove the wickholder assembly from the oil candle. From the bottom of wickholder, pull the fiberglass wicking material down slightly for a smaller flame; push wicking material up slightly for a larger flame.

  5. If wick is pulled too low from the wickholder and will not push back up, try pushing wick into the wickholder with a common pin. If this does not solve the problem, please follow the procedure below:

    1. Fold a length of heavy thread and feed through wickholder.
    2. Insert wick material into the thread loop. Then pull thread and wick through the wickholder until wick is slightly above the top edge of the wickholder.